Monday, June 2, 2014

SPC Issues Moderate Risk for Tomorrow/Potentially Devestating Severe Weather OUtbreak in the making

Just today, SPC issued a MODERATE Risk for Severe Weather across the Midwest, particularly Eastern Nebraska, Northeastern Kansas, Northern Missouri, Southern Iowa, and Wewstern Illinois. This could be a devastating outbreak. SPC is already predicting Large Hail, Widespread Damaging winds, and tornadoes, some could be strong (EF3 or higher). Latest GFS/NAM Models showing that this may be a multi day event, starting on Tuesday and ending sometime around Thursday or Friday. Chief Meteorologist PeterPeter5000 is hinting at this becoming a derecho event also. But we'll just have to wait and see. TWNS will be fully staffed tomorrow. We will be doing LIVE coverage on our wall, and we will also have a STORMCENTER:LIVE discussion tomorrow at our HQ. Stay tuned to TWNS, we'll keep YOU informed, ahead of the storm!

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