Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Possible Severe WX outbreak tomorrow, Slight Risk increased in size

A Potential Off season Severe WX Outbreak is expected tomorrow for much of the Midwest and the southeast.
The Slight Risk is in effect from Texas all the way up to Indiana.
SPC has given the Ark-La-Tex Region a 30% chance of Severe Weather.
 I personally believe this is where the strongest severe weather will be.
Main threats according to SPC are Damaging Winds and Hail. I also think there might be some possible tornadoes with any storms that develop out ahead of the line of storms.
New Model runs from  BAMS and NAM showing that there may be 2 Bow Echos with this line of storms. One in Illinois, the other in Missouri.
If anything is good about this severe weather is that once the squall line passes you, cooler, fall like temperatures will be in store.
Notice in the NAM PrecisionCast Models, the arrows are pointing to the Southeast once the Line passes. Well that indicates that cooler temps are in store.
See what I mean? ;)
TWNS WILL be here to keep an eye on the severe weather for you.

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